Tuesday, June 17, 2014

This is why I do it

So we are starting week 2 of our P90InsaniT25 Summer Challenge and the group is going so well!  I received a message this morning and I wanted to share.  This is the reason Rachael and I will keep doing what we are doing!

"I think it is amazing what you guys do for all of us!!  If it wasn't for people like you starting these groups, people like us wouldn't feel the motivation and probably still would be doing our daily routine.  I have tried to diet a million times.  I get up sometimes not wanting to eat or do my video, but then I look at everyone else and the great feedback and it makes me push through it.  At the end of the day I feel like I accomplished something.  Thank you for this opportunity!!!!"

Thank you to Christina Jones and everyone who is participating in my P90InsaniT25 Summer Challenge!  You all rock and I can't wait to see your results!!!

It is truly amazing to see the support coming from this group.  These are people that want to change their lifestyle but just needed a little extra motivation to do it!  These are strangers, they are nervous, they were a little uncomfortable, they didn't know what to expect.  Now they can't wait to post.  They can't wait to lend a hand.  They can't want to help out their fellow group member!  
If you are interested in joining my upcoming Challenge Group, please click here and take a look.  We would love to help you!!

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