Monday, October 6, 2014

Meet Deanne Belardino Petrell

 With the launch of the brand new P90 we are asking Every One To Help One. That means, we are asking every coach - YOU - to find at least one person who could use this incredibly efficient program - starting at 25 mins a workout plus easy to follow meal plan - to get their life back on track and see remarkable visible results.

This program works like crazy. And this month we want Every One To Help One.

We have three exciting promotions happening:

1) For the entire month, the P90 Challenge Pack is discounted to $160. You're basically getting Shakeology® plus the $80 P90 program for only $30. Nice.

2) For the 1st 50,000 units of P90 we sell through October 31st we'll donate $5 to the Wounded Warrior Project in memory of P90 trainer Tony Horton's father (Tony, Sr.), who had quietly donated every month without telling anyone about it. In honor of Tony, Sr. and his big awesome heart, we're taking that up to $250,000 of awesome.

3) We are asking every coach - YOU - to post a picture of themselves and their "one" with the tags: "I’m paying it forward with ‪#‎P90‬. ‪#‎ItsYourTurn‬.” And yes, you can help more than one. But the point is, Every One, Helps One. At least one.

For instance: Here's my one.


Meet Deanne Belardino Petrell

I'm a 35 year old mother of two children (12 year old girl, 9 month old boy) I have a rare genetic condition that causes my left knee to pop out of place when I bend it and I suffer from chronic pain. As the years have gone by I have become more sedentary which is a bad way to live if I want to live a long time. Some days I never even leave my house. I want to live a long, healthy life with my kids. The worst part of my body is my stomach where I have accumulated a large amount of that unhealthy belly fat. I know how dangerous the belly fat + sedentary lifestyle is for me. This is what I want to change. I'm excited to establish a routine that keeps me off the couch and feeling good again.

I am so excited to be a part of Deanne's journey!

Who is your one? 

Please make it someone who deserves it and who needs it.

If you are interested in joining in on the P90 test group please fill out the FREE form below and make me your coach today! 


I’m paying it forward with #P90. #ItsYourTurn.

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